Frequently asked questions about Songwhip
When you create an Artist, Album or Song page, Songwhip goes off and fetches all the data it can find about the given item and generates a landing page with links to all major platforms. This page is specifically designed to get your fans listening as fast as possible. Sharing a Songwhip page instead of a single platform link will dramatically increase your chances of people playing, saving and sharing your music.
Conflicts and mix ups can happen when two or more artists have the same name. Use the “edit page” feature to correct this. For further assistance, reach out to [email protected]and they’ll work to fix any incorrect links.
The image is sourced from one of the services where we found matching links. We don't currently support the changing of images, the only way to do it currently is to change the artwork at the final service (eg. Apple Music).
The songwhip web experience offers the widest reach as it'll run on any device.
Yes. Songwhip pages update automatically every 7 days (or sooner). If you'd like us to manually trigger a refresh, you can reach out to your account manager.
This is usually due to Songwhip not being able to find a match for the given Artist, Album or Song. You can manually fix links in the page edit mode. If you continue to have issues please reach out to[email protected].
Yes, it's possible to embed your Songwhip page via an iframe like:
You can reach out to us at [email protected] to have a custom Songwhip subdomain created (eg. “”). In the future you will be able to do this directly through Songwhip’s interface.